Developing Durable Skills in the Manufacturing Workforce

What was done?

Given the urgent business need for developing these skills in today’s workforce, Dr. Ana Grief designed and implemented an intervention study for her Johns Hopkins dissertation to examine the workplace impact of explicitly teaching durable skills to employed manufacturing technicians.
Using Skillsline as the primary intervention in the study, Dr. Grief found that the technicians clearly improved their understanding and awareness of durable skills and how they could be used in the workplace.
She also found that while all the technicians were able to articulate how they could improve workplace behavior and productivity through durable skills, their utilization of those skills was enabled or inhibited by their supervisor’s receptiveness to a more empowered workforce.
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Employers know that Durable Skills are a critical competitive advantage in today’s marketplace, yet often assume these skills are innate characteristics which cannot be learned. My research with Skillsline shows that durable skills can be taught, thus unlocking the full human potential of every employee and maximizing an organization’s potential.
Dr. Ana Grief,
CEO of JobPath
workers with helmet shaking hands


In its mission to expand awareness of the need to teach durable skills, America Succeeds partnered with Dr. Grief and Skillsline to publish a case study that sets this research finding in the broader context of the durable skills gap across the country and highlights that durable skills can be taught.

In addition, the America Succeeds case study focuses on the Skillsline platform’s unique strengths in teaching durable skills, and how employers have the potential to be intentional in addressing the skills gap within their workforce.

Read the full case study!

Bridfing gap case study
Read the Case Study

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